CCI Diploma 2021/2022: Unit 1: Lecture 10: Introduction to openFrameworks and C++.
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I'm going to start every lecture with a promise and an artist to reference.
I promise that by the end of this lecture you'll be able to read another computer language, C++.
The artist of the day is Zach Lieberman.
I was first made aware of Zach's work when I was introduced to openFrameworks (oF) by Chris O'Shea. Zach and I went on to co-found YesYesNo, along with Theo Watson. You'lll hear more about Theo in the next lecture.

A video of Zach talking about his work.

I think alot of Zach's work is about introducing people to new technology in a playful way, which is why he's perfect for today's lecture - which is on exactly that!
The main thing I want you keep in mind today is oF is just another creative coding framework like p5.js. The base languages are different, (C++ and JavaScript) but the intent is very similar - provide scaffolding to help you make more stuff better, faster and easier.
By the end of this lecture, you'll know more about:
Some projects made with oF.
Let's start by taking a look at the openFrameworks (oF) homepage, and particularly the showreel to find out what kind of work has been made with oF.
Let's continue with the Foreword of the oFBook, which was written by Zach.
The Philosophy of oF.
Let's continue with the Philosophy chapter of the oFBook, which was also written by Zach.
The basics of C++.
Let's continue with the C++ Language Basic chapter of the oFBook, which was written by JT Nimoy. RIP JT.
The structure of oF.
Let's continue with the oF structure chapter of the oFBook, which was written by Roy Macdonald.
How to draw with oF.
Let's continue with the Graphics chapter of the oFBook, which was written by Michael Hadley.
How OOP works in oF.
Let's continue with the Object Oriented Programming chapter of the oFBook, which was written by Rui Pereira.
Patterns of code in oF.
Let's finish with the How openFrameworks works chapter of the oFBook, which was written by Arturo Castro, one of the co-founders of openFrameworks.
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