CCI Diploma 2021/2022: Unit 1: Lecture 11: Introduction to Computer Vision in openFrameworks.
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I'm going to start every lecture with a promise and an artist to reference.
I promise that by the end of this lecture you'll be able to understand how to use computer vision to make installations beyond the screen.
The artist of the day is Design I/O - which isn't an artist, rather a studio that makes interactive installations, founded by Emily Gobeille and Theo Watson.

A few of Design I/O's projects.

I think alot of Design I/O's work is about using computer vision in openFrameworks to make amazing experiences, which is why they are perfect for today's lecture - which is on exactly those things!
The main thing I want you keep in mind today is that projects that use computer vision are often just as much about how you set up the space in which people will be interacting with your work (especially lighting) as how you write the software to drive that interaction.
By the end of this lecture, you'll know more about:
A case study into the Connected Worlds project

Connected Worlds: Overview.

Connected Worlds - Behind The Scenes.

More about Computer Vision and how Computer Vision works in oF
Let's go through Golan Levin's chapter in the ofBook on "Image Processing and Computer Vision". N.B. this is the link to the Landsat Hyperspectral Imagery blog post that Golan references in his chapter.
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