CCI Diploma 2021/2022: Unit 1: Workshop 0: Introduction.
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Welcome to our first workshop!
By the end of this workshop, you'll have done the following things:
I want you to take a look at the Unit 1 GitHub if you haven't already. Is there anything that isn't clear? Message me on Slack if you have any questions.
Sign up for Once you've chosen a username, message me on the CCI Slack with your username so I can add you as a collaborator to the Unit 1 GitHub. This will enable you to edit the wiki page later with answers to my questions. You can also use your GitHub username and password to log into the p5/.js editor. TOP TIP: recruiters for coding jobs will often look at your GitHub before anything else - so pick a username you'd be happy with people asking you about in job interviews! While you are doing that, a little bonus section about Git and GitHub.
Sign up for the p5.js forum. This will enable you to post questions and projects, get help and help others.
Try logging into the p5.js editor with your new GitHub username and password. This will enable you to write p5.js code on the web and share it with others really easily. This is the way that I recommend you start working in p5.js and also the way that you'll sit the two hour programming exam at the end of the unit.
Get your Wu-Tang name, just like Donald Glover did. Then you can start your career in Hip-Hop. Have a discussion of how you think it works. What happens if you put slightly different names in? Same first name and different last names? What is going on under the hood? How is this black box working? Remember Jim Campbell's diagram? What is the input and output in this case?
Now that you've got your GitHub username and messaged it to me on the CCI Slack, you should be able to edit the people page on our wiki directly. Just copy and paste my answers and add your own. Here are the questions I want you to answer:
Why did I (or Tom, (make friends with Tom)) give you a Rubber Duck? Well, Rubber Duck Debugging of course! But why is that important? What does Dorey do? What makes it easier to do what Dorey does?
Why do I want you to work in threes? Can you think of three reasons? Let's discuss.
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