Welcome to our first workshop!
By the end of this workshop, you'll have done the following things:
- Have gotten to know the structure of the Diploma and this unit by checking out the Unit 1 GitHub
- Signed up for GitHub.com so you can edit the Unit 1 Wiki and make your own projects
- Signed up for the p5.js forum so you can post to it and be helped and help others
- Used your new GitHub username and password to sign into the p5.js editor so you can make new code on the web and share it with others
- Got your Wu-Tang name so you can start your career in Hip-Hop
- Introduced yourself to each other via the Unit 1 Wiki by answering some questions and followed me (@jgl) on Instagram
- Understood why I gave you a Rubber Duck as a present
- Understood why I want you to work in threes in workshops and throughout the Diploma
Sign up for GitHub.com. Once you've chosen a username, message me on the CCI Slack with your username so I can add you as a collaborator to the Unit 1 GitHub. This will enable you to edit the wiki page later with answers to my questions. You can also use your GitHub username and password to log into the
p5/.js editor. TOP TIP: recruiters for coding jobs will often look at your GitHub before anything else - so pick a username you'd be happy with people asking you about in job interviews! While you are doing that, a little bonus section about Git and GitHub.
- "Git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development".
- Git is an open source piece of software that lets people all over the world share their code with each other in a way via the internet that allows them to move forward with coding separately, and then merge their different versions into a single piece of software in an organised and trackable way. Git was created by Linus Torvalds to help with the creation of the Linux kernel - another piece of software he originally created. Git is used by most (87.2% in 2018) developers to manage the development of their software.
- GitHub was a startup that makes it easier to use Git on the world wide web. Incidentally, it's owned by Microsoft who bought it in 2018 for $7.5 billion.
- Let's take a look at GitHub and talk about why it might be useful to make something like Git.
- Incidentally, I'd like to show you how I organise my files on my computer, you might find it useful, it's the result of 20 years of
- First of all, my folder structure - I have a folder for my projects, my records, my research and my personal things. I've got Time Machine working on my Mac, so I'm always backed up and also have an iCloud drive.
- In each any of my project/records/research/personal folders, I have a series of named folders describing each individual project.
- In each project folder I have a projectNameWorkRecord.txt and then a series of dated and named folders. The WorkRecord.txt is the diary of every project, with every email and bit of progress dated as it is being done. I also keep a Todo and Done list at the bottom of each file, as well as other important information.
- Each folder is named year_month_date_subject - for example 2019_09_25_WorkingOnLecture3. In this way, when I sort by name, I actually sort by date.
- I do this so I have a written record of the work I've done on anything, in order. This has come in useful in case of disputes about who did what, when.
Get your Wu-Tang name, just like Donald Glover did. Then you can start your career in Hip-Hop. Have a discussion of how you think it works. What happens if you put slightly different names in? Same first name and different last names? What is going on under the hood? How is this black box working? Remember
Jim Campbell's diagram? What is the input and output in this case?
Now that you've got your GitHub username and messaged it to me on the CCI Slack, you should be able to
edit the people page on our wiki directly. Just copy and paste my answers and add your own. Here are the questions I want you to answer:
- How you want people to address you?
- How you are feeling today?
- What course are you doing at UAL?
- What is your favourite song at the moment?
- What is your book at the moment?
- Who is your favourte artist at the moment?
- What is your favourite thing to do at the moment?
- What is your Instagram? I'm @jgl - I follow back! I'm also on TikTok. Are you? Which other platforms should I be on? - STOP PRESS - JUST MESSAGE ME ON SLACK WITH YOUR INSTA INFORMATION
Why did I (or
Tom, (make friends with Tom)) give you a Rubber Duck? Well,
Rubber Duck Debugging of course! But why is that important? What does Dorey do? What makes it easier to do what Dorey does?
Why do I want you to work in threes? Can you think of three reasons? Let's discuss.