I'm going to start every lecture with a meditation from the fantastic
Sitting Still Like a Frog book, all read by Myla Kabat-Zinn. If you don't want to participate that's completely fine, I'll message on the chat when the meditation is over.
We are going to do the exercises and challenges that I set in groups of three - with one PC user in each to start with - so please message me on Slack right now if you are a PC user. If you are living together, please message too, so I can put you in a group with your house mate.
I'm going to be using Apple's
Develop in Swift Explorations as the main text for this Unit - so if you are on a Mac please download it via the Apple Book store. I'm curious if that works on PC too? I didn't have one to test with I'm afraid. For those of you with PC's don't worry, Tom Lynch will be setting up remote access ASAP. Please remind me next session to update you on the remote access status PC users!
Because of the way the Swift Explorations book is structured, I'm no longer going to be teaching in a flipped classroom fashion - rather in three 45 minute sessions, with 15 minute breaks between each.
This is the first time I'm teaching this syllabus, so I want to hear all your feedback - good and bad!
Before we start with Swift Explorations I wanted to share some Swift resources:
Let's start by going through the introduction section of Swift Explorations - paying particular attention to how the units are broken up into four sections (Get Started, Play, Build and Design), with Episodes between units. Also making sure to download the
student materials that accompany the book.
Now let's begin, with "Get Started with Values" - and I'll take you through some extra exercises as we start looking at the exercises in your student guide.
Let's start with the "What Is Programming?" section and the Explore This exercise - "Consider your favourite app on your phone" exercise.
Next a 15 minute 3 person group session - "Computers in Disguise".
Next let's move onto the "Values" section and the Explore This exercise - "Take a photo of an everyday object".
Next a 15 minute 3 person group session - "Using Data to Solve Problems".