I'm going to start every lecture with a meditation from the fantastic
Sitting Still Like a Frog book, all read by Myla Kabat-Zinn. If you don't want to participate that's completely fine, I'll message on the chat when the meditation is over.
Let's do the Apply and Extend exercise from page 94 of the Teacher Guide (it's ok to download the Teacher Guide BTW!)
Now let's review last week's final project on page 95 of the 95 of the Teacher Guide - 1.3 "Build a PhotoFrame App" - you built your first iOS app in your groups of three - who wants to screen share their creations? What went wrong? What went right?
Now let's work through the next part of the Student Guide together - 1.4 "Design for People", from page 74.
Now let's work through the reflections on 1.4 "Design for People" starting at page 138 of the Teacher Guide.
Now let's work through "Episode 1: The TV Club" from page 84 in your Student Guide.
Now let's reflect as a group on "Episode 1: The TV Club" from page 138 in the Teacher guide.
Now let's move onto Unit 2 - Algorithms - starting with page 106 in your Student Guide.
Next, let's look at page 109 of your Student Guide - Get Started: Algorithms. Let's do the Shoelace challenge together.
Next, let's Expand on Exploration by doing the Robot Artist activity together from page 171 of the Teacher Guide.
Next, let's go to page 110 of your Student Guide and complete the Sequencing exercises - Explore this on page 110 and Explore this on page 112.
Next, let's Expand on Exploration by the doing the Boredom Buster Robot exercise from page 172 of the Teacher Guide.
Now, let's go to page 112 of the Student Guide and complete the Explore This exercise on page 113.
Next, let's Expand on Exploration by turning to page 173 of the Teacher Guide and complete the exercise on page 174.
Now, let's return to the Student Guide on page 115 and complete the Explore This exercise about Types.
Next, let's go to page 175 of the Teacher Guide and complete the Expand on Exploration exercise on that page.
Next, let's return to the Student Guide on page on page 116 of the Student Guide and complete the Parameters Explore this exercise.
Now, let's return to the Teacher Guide and complete the Expland on Exploration Parameters exercise on page 176.
Next, let's turn to page 118 of the Student Guide and complete the Explore This exercise on Making Decisions with Booleans.
Now let's return to the Teacher Guide and complete the Expand on Exploration Making Decisions with Booleans exercise on page 177.
Next, please turn to page 120 of your Student Guide to begin the Play section of Unit 2. Begin by working through the Functions.playground file on page 122.
Next, please turn to page 120 of your Student Guide to begin the Play section of Unit 2. Begin by working through the Functions.playground file on page 122.
Finally, please turn to page 193 of the Teacher Guide to and complete the Apply and Extend section, before going to page 123 of your Student Guide to complete the Reflection questions.