I'm going to start every lecture with a meditation from the fantastic
Sitting Still Like a Frog book, all read by Myla Kabat-Zinn. If you don't want to participate that's completely fine, I'll message on the chat when the meditation is over.
Now let's read the next part of the student guide together - 1.2 "Play with Values". This is the first time we are going to try Xcode playgrounds, all in groups so PC users can still interact. Let's start with the "Playground Basics" playground.
Starting on page 30 of your student guide, let's work on the "Naming and Identifiers" section including the Xcode playground and the reflection questions on page 32.
Now let's do an exercise from the teachers guide - "Apply and Extend" from page 60.
Starting on page 34 of your student guide, let's work on the "Simulation" section including the Xcode playground and the reflection questions on page 36.
Now let's do an exercise from the teachers guide - "Apply and Extend" and "Review and Discuss" from page 67.
Starting on page 38 of your student guide, let's work on the "Strings" section including the Xcode playground and the reflection questions on page 39.
Starting on page 41 of your student guide, let's work on the "Constants and Variables" section including the Xcode playground and the reflection questions on page 43.