I'm going to start every lecture with a meditation from the fantastic
Sitting Still Like a Frog book, all read by Myla Kabat-Zinn. If you don't want to participate that's completely fine, I'll message on the chat when the meditation is over.
Now let's do an exercise from the teachers guide - "Constants and Variables: Apply and Extend" from page 80.
Now let's do an exercise from the teachers guide - "Constants and Variables: Exploration: Modeling" from page 81.
Now let's do an exercise from the teachers guide - "Constants and Variables: Review and Discuss" from page 82.
Starting on page 45 of your student guide, let's work on the "Word Games" section, completing the Introduction and the Word Games Xcode playground.
Now let's do an exercise from the teachers guide - "Word Games: Review and Discuss" from page 88.
Now let's read the next part of the student guide together - 1.3 "Build a PhotoFrame App" - you are going to build your first iOS app in your groups of three, starting on page 48 of your student guide.
Now as homework, I want you to complete the "Build a PhotoFrame App: Apply and Extend" exercise in your groups for the next lecture - see page 96 of the teachers guide.
Finally, I wanted to ask you if you'd like me to run catch up lectures for the first two Monday mornings next term, to make up for the lectures we missed through strike action. It will mean that I'll have less capacity for tutorials for those first two weeks. What do you think? Let's vote?