An intensive of lectures and workshops on Computational Thinking by Joel Gethin Lewis.

This week-long creative computing intensive course will give participants a wide ranging knowledge of the history of creative computing, a survey of artists working in this area and advice for setting up a studio. This also includes a working knowledge of p5.js, a Javascript library for creative code on the web.

What will the workshop involve?

The goal is for participants to be able to be critical of current creative computing practice by not only being able to code, but by having knowledge of all the different fields that have contributed to creative computing as well as current practitioners and studios.

Daily schedule:

Thanks to Ben Stopher, Mick Grierson, Georgina Capdevila Cano, Alan Warburton, Rebecca Ross, Jaap de Maat, Jonathan Harris, Jessica Bland, Rick Walker, Graham Bennett, Toby Milner-Gulland, Liam Walsh, Golan Levin, Greg Smith, Mark Lundin, Xiaohan Zhang, Lia, Joshua Goldberg, Rosa Menkman, Daniel Shiffman and Rune Madsen.

Source code available on GitHub at

The workshop content will be determined by the workshop participants, so if you are reading this for the first time, what do you want to get out of these workshops? This will be the subject of our first workshop.

Breakdown of workshops:

Breakdown of lectures: