Diploma in Apple Development πŸŽπŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»: Coding Two: Lecture 1: Introduction to the Block Two and Coding Two unit. Packages, Symbols, Animation, Animated Text, 2D and 3D shapes and combining 2D and 3D views.
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πŸ‘‹πŸ» Hi! Welcome to Block Two! Well done on completing Block One! πŸŽ‰
First, don't forget to confirm your attendance using the Seats Mobile app!
Second, I'm going to start every lecture with a meditation from the fantastic Sitting Still Like a Frog book, all read by Myla Kabat-Zinn. If you don't want to participate that's completely fine.
Let's start by looking at the homepage for Block 2, which is below that of Block 1: https://jgl.github.io/DiplomaInAppleDevelopment-2024-2025/. I'm going to be updating both Coding 2 and Spatial 2 as we go. So please say what you want to learn in order to support your solo Spatial 2 apps!
Let's move on by reviewing the README.md for Block Two on the Apple Diploma GitHub: https://jgl.github.io/DiplomaInAppleDevelopment-2024-2025/. Don't forget to make note of the assessment schedule in your own calendars. As you know from Block One, assessment will be upon you before you know it! Tutorials will continue as normal on Monday mornings - please mark these in your calendars too - I'll post reminders on Fridays.
Let's continue by looking at the wiki for Block Two on the Apple Diploma GitHub: https://github.com/JGL/DiplomaInAppleDevelopment-2024-2025/wiki, paying particular attention to the reading list wiki page:
For a bit of revision, with this video from WWDC24: "A Swift Tour: Explore Swift’s features and design".
Our second bit of revision will be around SwiftUI, with this video from WWDC24: "SwiftUI essentials".
Let's start learning new things, starting with Packages. Packages are an easy way to use other programmer's code, but also to package up your code for others to use.
Le't watch this video from WWDC19: "Adopting Swift Packages in Xcode". You'll notice that Apple uses packages for Reality Composer Pro content when you use the RealityKit template in Xcode.
Take a look at The Swift Package Index, a community run but Apple sponsored website.
N.B. If you want to learn more about how to create Swift Packages, see this talk: "Creating Swift Packages", but that's beyond the scope of this course.)
Let's move onto Symbols with this video from WWDC24: "What’s new in SF Symbols 6". I'd recommend watching the previous "What's New in SF Symbols X" from the previous WWDC's as recommended on that page, but please do this as homework.
Now let's take a look at how to animate in SwiftUI, with this video from WWDC23: "Explore SwiftUI animation". If you want to learn more about using animation in SwiftUI, take a look at the following two talks from the same WWDC: "Animate with springs" and "Wind your way through advanced animations in SwiftUI".
Finally, let's take a look at the following pieces of sample code from Apple:
Thanks! As always, please review all today's content as homework.
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