Diploma in Apple Development 🍎👩🏻‍💻: Spatial Two: Lecture 3: Hand tracking and ARKit.
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Hi! 👻
First, don't forget to confirm your attendance using the Seats Mobile app!
Second, I'm going to start every lecture with a meditation from the fantastic Sitting Still Like a Frog book, all read by Myla Kabat-Zinn. If you don't want to participate that's completely fine.
Third, how did everyone feel about the homework? Any interesting insights?
Let's watch this session from WWDC23: "Meet ARKit for spatial computing".
As mentioned in that session, you need to authorise your app to track hands and sense the world, here is an article about how to do that.
Let's watch this session from WWDC24: "Create enhanced spatial computing experiences with ARKit".
Next, let's watch this session from WWDC24: "Build a spatial drawing app with RealityKit". The complete source code for this app is available, but I recommend starting with this introductory visionOS sample: "Tracking and visualizing(sic) hand movement", before moving onto this introductory visionOS sample: "Creating a 3D painting space". This last one uses Metal, which we'll be looking at later in the Coding Two lectures. Metal is a low level library to do super optimised 3D and even ML on Apple platforms.
Great! Let's spend up to the next break watching videos from the "Planning and Game Design" category of Masahiro Sakurai's YouTube channel.
Next lecture, you are going to present revised project thoughts, including a video paper prototype of your app. Let's spend time in our anchor groups, discussing paper prototypes and how you can document them. Don't forget you can use Claude to start building, or remix Apple's Introductory visionOS samples.
Let's finish by watching this presentation from Nintendo about the making of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Thanks! Please watch all of the content from today's lecture as homework and prepare to present your revised project thoughts, including video paper prototype skateboards next lecture.
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