First, don't forget to confirm your attendance using the Seats Mobile app!
Second, I'm going to start every lecture with a meditation from the fantastic
Sitting Still Like a Frog book, all read by Myla Kabat-Zinn. If you don't want to participate that's completely fine.
Lots to get on with this morning, so we can have a full afternoon of testing and learning about our apps!
Now let's move onto section H - "Password Security". Let's start with page 217 of the student guide. Once we've done that, let's look at the accompanying section in the teacher guide, starting on page 377 of the teacher guide.
Now let's move onto section I - "Visualisation Revisited". Let's start with page 219 of the student guide. Once we've done that, let's look at the accompanying section in the teacher guide, starting on page 381 of the teacher guide.
Now let's complete section 3.3 together - "Build a BouncyBall App", starting on page 221 of the Student Guide.
Now let's review the Teacher Guide section 3.3 together - starting on page 385.
Now let's review section 3.4 together - "Design a Prototype", starting on page 260 of the Student Guide.
Let's complete Episode 3 together - "Sharing Photos", starting on page 269 of the student guide.
Let's start Unit 4 - "Building Apps", reading page 286 of the Student Guide.
Now let's move onto Unit 4.1 - "Get Started with App Development", starting on page 288 of the Student Guide.
Now let's move onto Unit 4.2 - "Play with App Components", starting on page 299 of the student guide. Let's start with section 4.2 part A "Color Picker" (
sic), starting on page 301 of the student guide. After completing that, let's review the same section in the Teacher Guide, starting on page 502.