Hi! 👻
First, don't forget to confirm your attendance using the Seats Mobile app!
Second, please submit your Keynote presentations to the
Product Two Moodle right now (link might only be open at 1000? If so, set a reminder Joel).
Third, who wants to go first - I'll video your presentations if that's ok?
Fourth, don't forget you'll need to make a 30 second 1080p video for the end of year show video too - Eddie and Iara, would you like to say a few words? Have you spoken to Pete Mackenzie?
Fifth, thanks so much for being such a brilliant group of people. Let's get a group photo? 🙇🏻
Sixth - don't forget my support of you doesn't end today, or when your degree finishes - you can email me via joelgethinlewis.com any time. Please Slack me the source code for your projects and the Keynotes, for my records. 🪱🖖🏻