UAL CCI: Introduction to Creative Computing 2025: 🧭: Discussion 10: Where next?
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This will be our last session, I wanted to put up a few prompts for directions you might go with your new knowledge, before having a chat. Don't forget that this entire lecture series will always be available online for you to reference (remember all the creative coding links in the very first introduction lecture?), and you are always welcome to email or DM me if you have questions about anything.
The main thing I want you keep in mind today is that you can use your p5.js knowledge to create work, but also as a springboard to software development in general. I'd also like you to think about how you can use your new knowledge to recreate artworks from the past or to create new design systems. Those are just two approaches - what is your approach going to be? Why? What are you a geek for? It could be ANYTHING, as long as it's truly yours. Remember: ordinary+extra attention = extra-ordinary!
By the end of this lecture, you'll know more about a whole series of artists, designers and academics that might point the way for your own practices.
Zach Lieberman's Recreating The Past (RTP) course. 2019 Github. 2020 Github. Why is this course interesting? A great way of finding your way is retracing other's steps.
Andreas Cwervo's work on AR on the web. Why is this interesting? I think it's a great way for the sculptors and 3D artists to distribute your work throughout the world on an unlimited scale.
Rune Madsen's work on Programming Design Systems. I want you all to become system designers. Whichever field you are in - go meta. Don't just make a project, make the tool or the system for making that project.
Tim Rodenbroeker's work Kinetic Typography. Lots of good tutorials here - mostly writen in Processing, but shouldn't be too hard to port to p5.js.
Jason Webb's work on digital morphogensis. Why I am I interested in this? I think the natural world is the most interesting thing available to us. Similarly to RTP, I think it's important to learn from evolution by trying to re-create interesting things, in order to make more interesting things in the future. Nervous system are a great studio that takes inspiration from natural systems (are there any other kind?).
Jeffrey Alan Scudder's (aka Just Another System (-;) work on radical digital painting. Bonus! Jeffrey meeting Mr. Kid Pix. Have any of you ever heard of Kid Pix? Why do I like Jeffrey's practice? It's fun, innovative and makes me think about my own practice in a new way. What kind of life do you want to design for yourself and others around you?
Finally, Dr. Charlotte Webb's work as the co-founder of Feminist Internet. Charlotte made the suggestion of the cyberfeminism index.
What questions do you have for me?
Thanks! Please give me a shout via email or Instagram with any feedback or if there is anything I can help you with - my practice is about helping other people make the things they want to. Also, come to CCI - either for the Diploma, MSc or PhD, I'd love to see you again there.
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