UAL CCI: Introduction to Creative Computing 2025: ➰ & 🐣: Lecture 9: Feedback and Emergence.
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The two things I want you to keep in mind this morning are Feedback and Emergence. Both are very powerful ways of creating interaction and media. Feedback is when the output of something is fed into the input of something and Emergence is when new properties emerge when the complexity of a system gets past a certain point.
Let's start by thinking about Feedback.
Now let's think about Cellular Automata, a graphical way of simulating things using grids or cells.
Conway's Game of Life, Cellular Automata and rules 30 and 110.
Finally, let's move onto Emergence.
Boids, Evolved Virtual Creatures and emergence.
How you can use p5.js to simulate different systems
I'm really interested in the use of simulations to help people understand things. A great example of this is Nicky Case's project on the evolution of trust, they have many other examples on their website.
An area that I'm particularly interested in at the moment is something called Wave Function Collapse, which is very useful for generating maps or landscapes.
Thanks! Time for a short break!
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