UAL CCI: Introduction to Creative Computing 2025: 🪞: Workshop 2: Binary <-> Decimal. CamelCase. Converting between types. Data Self Portraits.
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By the end of this workshop, we'll have covered:
20 minutes: Converting between Binary and Decimal numbers
How would you convert between a binary number and a decimal number?
You could DuckDuckGo it! Or Google it.
Let's go through converting 42 from decimal to binary.
Let's go through converting 101011 from binary to decimal.
I'd like you to convert 71 from decimal to binary, manually! Type your answer into the chat when you have the answer.
I'd like you to convert 10011 from binary to decimal, manually! Type your answer into the chat when you have the answer.
Any questions? Bonus The Binary Game!.
10 minutes: What CamelCase is and why it's important to use it when naming variables
10 minutes: What is CamelCase? Why might it be important to use when naming your variables?
Any questions?
20 minutes: How to convert between types in JavaScript
Let's take a look at the chapter on converting between types. Why might you want to do this?
Any questions?
30 minutes: Code based Data Self Portraits
The exercise we are about to do was inspired by Dear Data, a project by Stefanie Posavec and Giorgia Lupi. There is also a great TED talk about it by Giorgia, and instructions on how to draw your own data selfie.
Here is my code based Data Self Portrait, in JavaScript:
      let fullName = "Joel Gethin Lewis";
      let currentAge = 41;
      let isLeftHanded = true;
      let numberOfBirthmarks = 1;
      let heightInCM = 182.88;
      let weightInKG = 82.8;
You have 20 minutes to make your own Data Self Portraits. Go!
Let's share them! How would you visualise them?
Any questions?
Thanks! Time for a short break!
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