UAL CCI: Introduction to Creative Computing 2025: ↔️: Workshop 4: Left or Right, Billiard Ball and Seven Circles
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This afternoon we are going to complete three exercises from Code as a Creative Medium, which was written by Tega Brain and Golan Levin. As I said yesterday and this morning, I'd really recommend picking up a copy if you can, it's full of brilliant reference, exercises and project briefs.
We are going to have 30 minutes for each exercise today..
A reminder from this morning: make all these exercises on the online p5.js editor at - easier for sharing with others and a nice way of building up a portfolio of p5.js sketches.
Let's discuss "Left or Right" before we all try it on our own on the p5.js editor. Any suggestions? Pseudocode time? Show the PDF Joel!
Next, let's talk about the "Billiard Ball" exercise, before we try it individually in the p5.js editor. Any thoughts? Pseudocode time? Show the PDF Joel!
Next is the "Seven Circles" exercise. How you make something that repeats a shape across a screen? Show the PDF Joel!
Thanks! Time for a short break!
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