UAL CCI: Introduction to Creative Computing 2025: 🪙: Workshop 6: Coin toss, Drunk Walk I, II and III
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This afternoon we are going to complete four exercises from
Code as a Creative Medium, which was written by
Tega Brain and
Golan Levin. As I said yesterday, I'd really recommend picking up a copy if you can, it's full of brilliant reference, exercises and project briefs.
This afternoon we are going to have 15 minutes for the first exercise, with 25 minutes for each of the last three exercises.
Let's discuss "Coin Toss" before we all try it on our own on the p5.js editor. Any suggestions? How are we going to get a value for the coin toss? What are we going to use to decide to display heads or tails on screen? We have 15 minutes on this exercise. Show the PDF Joel!
Next, let's spend 25 minutes on the "Drunk Walk I: Brownian Motion" exercise. What should we use to remember all the previous positions of the line? What can we use from this morning? Show the PDF Joel!
Next, let's spend 25 minutes on the "Drunk Walk II: Random Lattice Walk" exercise. What can we reused from the previous exercise? This is why it's useful to build up a portfolio of sketches! Show the PDF Joel!
For the final 25 minutes, let's look at the "Drunk Walk III: Smoothed Noise" exercise. Show the PDF Joel!