Abstraction is a key feature of object orientated programming. Object orientated coding allows you to combine logic and data into one place.
C++ is an example of an object orientated language. C was one of its predecessors and functional. The ++ means increment, hence C++ being one better than C. (-;
3. Fuzzy logic, Computer Vision and Neural Networks.
Fuzzy logic is a logic where results be other numbers between 0 and 1 - rather than one or the other. It's very useful for controlling systems which are analogue, like a washing machine.
Computer vision in computer science is the study of making computers able to understand images or video.
t-SNE is a machine learning technique for collapsing multidimensional data into two or three dimensions - simply put, a great way of visualising a set of images and their relationship to each other.
3. Fuzzy logic, Computer Vision, Neural Networks, Adam Harvey, Bias and Anti-Facist AI. (continued)
Adam Harvey makes art projects about privacy, computer vision, and surveillance.