Creative Computing

Joel Gethin Lewis

Week 7: Lecture 13: Show and Tell and Brief

What I'm going to talk about now:

  1. Group meditation.
  2. Questions?
  3. Show and Tell.
  4. Brief and Exam(s).
  5. Feedback.
Are you recording Joel? Have you taken the register first?

0. Group Meditation

  1. TBC.

1. Questions?

2. Show and Tell

  • 5 minute presentation, 5 minutes of discussion.

3. Brief and Exam(s)

  • I will put the brief on the Slack after this session.
  • Design a real-time sound-reactive interactive installation. The interaction can be screen based using p5.js or in the real world using Arduino, or a combination of both.
  • Why is your interaction sound reactive?
  • What are you trying to communicate with the installation? Why?
  • How will people realise that it exists and is sound reactive? Could multiple people use it at once?
  • Could it exist in more that one place at once?

3. Brief and Exam(s) (continued)

  • Both the multiple choice and the coding exam will be open book!

4. Feedback

  • What's working?
  • What's not working?
  • What am I missing?
  • Lets talk now or you can Slack me in private.
