Creative Computing

Joel Gethin Lewis

Unit 6 / Block 2: "Creative Practice: Computational Environments for the Web": Lecture 3: Classifying

Have you taken the register first? Are you recording?

What I'm going to talk about today:

  1. What questions to do you have for me?
  2. Object detection (Clarifai)
  3. Image Classification (ml5.js)
  4. Drawing (magenta)
  5. Object detection (Coco-SSD)
  6. What questions to do you have for me?

0. What questions to do you have for me?

  • What questions to do you have for me?
  • What are your concerns? What are you worried about? What do you want to ask but you are embarrassed?
  • All questions allowed!
  • 5 minutes to message me on Slack in private.
  • This idea came from Zach Lieberman. He does this exercise at the start of every session of School of Poetic Computation in New York.

1. Object detection (Clarifai)

  • Throughout these lectures we'll be drawing on Kyle McDonald's cv-examples.
  • Object Recognition. You'll need to run this locally Joel! (Run "http-server -c-1" in "/⁨2020_04_11_KyleMcDonaldCVExamples⁩/cv-examples-master⁩".
  • What else could you use this example for?

2. Image Classification (ml5.js)

3. Drawing (magenta)

4. Object detection (Coco-SSD)

5. What questions to do you have for me?

  • What questions to do you have for me?
  • What are your concerns? What are you worried about? What do you want to ask but you are embarrassed?
  • All questions allowed!
