Lectures and workshops from Block 2 / Unit 4: "Coding for Collaborative App Development" of the Creative Computing Institute's Diploma in Creative Computing by Joel Gethin Lewis


  1. Lecture 1: Introduction to Unit 4.
  2. Lecture 2: Values, Naming, Strings, Constants and Variables.
  3. Lecture 3: More Constants and Variables, Word Games and Building a PhotoFrame app.
  4. Lecture 4: Design for People, TV Club Episode 1, Algorithms and Functions.
  5. CATCH UP! On a Monday, not a Tuesday: Lecture 5: Types, Parameters and Results, Making Decisions and BoogieBot.
  6. Lecture 6: end of unit assessment review, Data Visualisation, Build a QuestionBot, Design an Experience and TV Club Episode 2.
  7. Lecture 7: Play with Complex Data, Instances Methods and Properties, Arrays and Loops. .
  8. CATCH UP! On a Monday, not a Tuesday: Lecture 8: Structures, Enums and Switch, Testing Code, Processing Data.
  9. Lecture 9: Processing Data, Pixel Art, Visualisation Revisited.
  10. Lecture 10: Build a BouncyBall App, Design a Prototype, Sharing Photos.
  11. Lecture 11: Color Picker" (sic).
  12. Lecture 12: review of last year's practical exam mock and real paper, examples of A+, A, B and C submissions, how to create a .zip file for submission.

Slides made using Big presentation system.

Thanks to Herman Ho, Val Toro, Murad Khan, Matthew Plummer Fernandez, Alex Fefegha, Anna Troisi, Ben Kelly, Cathy Hoste, Charlotte Webb, Julia Makivic, Kenneth Lim, Matt Jarvis, Melisa Simpson, Phoenix Perry, Rebecca Fiebrink, Sheldon Brown, Tom Lynch, Eva Wilkinson, Vali Lalioti, Indira Knight, Alice Stewart, Ben Stopher, Mick Grierson, Georgina Capdevila Cano, Alan Warburton, Rebecca Ross, Jaap de Maat, Lauren McCarthy, Kyle McDonald, Jonathan Harris, Zach Lieberman, Jessica Bland, Rick Walker, Graham Bennett, Toby Milner-Gulland, Liam Walsh, Golan Levin, Greg Smith, Mark Lundin, Xiaohan Zhang, Lia, Joshua Goldberg, Rosa Menkman, Daniel Shiffman, Tega Brain, Caitlin Morris, Harri Lewis and Rune Madsen.

Please see GitHub repo for readme.md, source code for slides and wiki: https://github.com/JGL/CCIDiploma-SpringSummer2022.